Bones and Jones make honest alternative country rock and roll. The Melbourne/Naarm 6 piece have become known for their love of classic songwriting, melody and harmony. Announcing their third album in July 2020, the band promised a series of single every month until the release of their AMP Nominated album ‘Ginger Gold (Farm Singles)’. Recorded over a period of three months during the first COVID lockdown, the tracks were laid down in the band’s rehearsal space on an old apple orchid farm on the Victorian surf coast/Wathaurong Country. 2022 saw the launch of a joint project with Melbourne/Naarm group Folk Bitch Trio. Born out of a mutual respect and interest in each other’s music, the two bands worked over one weekend to record and produce ‘Friendly Neighbour / If I Was A Man’. The 9 piece supergroup and have since shared the stage at Boogie Festival and with King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. Over Several years Bones and Jones have emerged as one of Melbourne/ Naarms most exciting and energetic Performers. The dynamic six piece have graced festivals across the country such as New Years Evie, Pt Fairy Folk Festival, Queenscliff Music Festival, Grampians Music Festival, Gumball, Meadow & Boogie. Crafting songs inspired by the greats Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Karen Dalton, Wilco and Nick Lowe, their DIY ethos has gained the group recognition from the Music Victoria Awards, NME, The Guardian, FBI, Triple R, Pbs, Rage & ABC. ‘Ginger Gold (Farm Singles)’ is available digitally and on limited edition vinyl. Thousands of bands try and replicate the loose charm of 60s and 70s classic rock and blues, but so few make it sound this exciting and this much fun. – Dan Condon – ABC Double J.